The IMportance of Learning to Code

Podcast available

Learning to write computer code used to be considered something that only gamers, hackers and residents of Silicon Valley would find useful, but all that is changing.

Today’s students need to learn the basics of computer coding so they can understand how computer programs work and be able to write their own programs, create their own websites and develop their own apps. Simply learning how to use computer software and mobile apps may have been sufficient for previous generations but it is simply not enough for today’s learners.

At Singapore International School (SISB) Chiangmai, all the students in primary are introduced to the basics of computer programming and given opportunities to create their own games and applications. This is so important because students in this generation who do not ‘speak code’, will inevitably get left behind. 

Computer Science Education Week, takes place each year during the first week of December and the students at SISB have once again joined this global initiative, taking part in the Hour of Code, coding tutorials.  This year’s tutorials, were particularly fun and the students got the opportunities to programme their own dance party and go on new Minecraft adventures. 

After taking part in the Hour of Code, the students will continue their adventures in coding, with lower primary getting to grips with the basic concepts such as commands, conditionals, repeat loops and algorithms while the upper primary students get started writing python code.

Ultimately, the challenges of the 21st Century can only be successfully overcome with human ingenuity aided by technology and computers. Teaching our students to code from an early age gives them opportunities to contribute to a better tomorrow.

Presentation on Coding in the Classroom


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